Friday, April 2, 2010

You Just Could Not Know Everything...Trust Me..

Nak menceritakan tentang 2 insan yang pernah aku kenali...

Cerite pertame:
Kenal agak lame...
Way back mase zaman2 blaja dlu...
One time, bukan lost contact tapi die mcm larikan diri dari aku...
Tak tau kenape...
Siap aku kene sound lagi msg dgn yg kire sound lah kan? sebab aku tanye tibe2 die senyap....
Lepas tuh, kami ok semule...
Memang betul2 lost contact...
Tapi bukan aku terhadap die...
Tapi die terhadap aku...
Aku call, msg sume nye tak berbalas..
Tinggal voice mail lg...
Tanye, what had happen that I dont know!?
Why he doesnt want to answer me....

I tried for quit sometimes...
Now, I'm quiting on that....

Cerite kedue:
Kenalan ni baru je aku kenal...
Blm sampai setahun pun...
Keadaan nye lebih kurang same dengan cerita pertame...
Mule2 kenal tuh aku dgn die mmg baik...
Tibe2 die tak mau tegur mahu pun senyum pd aku bile aku selisih...
Aku tertanye2 jugak...
Aku tanye die terus...
Die kate mane ade pape...
Aku tanye org2 di sekeliling kami...
Diorg kate aku jek yang rase mcm tuh...
Tak lame lepas tuh...
Kami baik balik..
Bertegur sape..
Bergelak ketawe...
Aku di beritahu time tuh die ade masalah...
Maybe sebab tuh die acting weird skit...
Baru2 nih...
Terjadi balik...
Aku da malas nak tau knape...
Tak nak tegur aku suda...
He's not my fren...
Have I never consider him as one of my fren...
He's just my acquaintance..

There goes my story...
As the conclusion, u just can not and could not know why there are people acting like that...
Not that I dont try and find out what happen...
I tried...
This is life...
You could not have everything complete with questions and answers...
Often u have questions without answers....
That is life....


auramerah said...

masih mengharaop
cerita no 1 tau..
no 2 kurang pasti..
punya ler excited dpt bc blog yg dh lama xdpt buka kat kolej nih..smua entry ko nk tepek komen..muahahahaha..

teman said...

dua2 cita aku xtau.. hahaha... ko bt xtau ja.. apa ssh.. xpyh penin2 nak pikir..

DIL said...

wat2 paham jek...
luahan perasaan nih...