Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Trip to Labuan

Walopun da lmbt, yan kate xpe...
28hb-30hb Dec ari aku ke Labuan atas sebab2 ibu perlu kluar dr Brunei..
Ptt nye nak pegi KK tp tiket flight abis plk...
Tp tak best jugak...
Ayah tak ikut, tak dapat cuti...
Kat Labuan, hmmm...
Ape yek nak cite psl Labuan...
Tak bnyk...
Makan, mahal. Coklet, murah. Hehehehe...

Antara2 pemandangan kt kedai duty free..
Liquor pun ade, tp lupe plk nak amik gambar nye

Akhirnya yg jatuh ke perangkap samar aku (tp ibu dgn cho yg byr lah)..
tak termasuk esok nye tmbh lg kt kedai yg same dan
mase nak balik beli lagi kt kedai kt jeti plk...
byk2..mmg byk

Labuan nih name jek Wilayah Persautuan, tp...
Sangat tak mcm WP..
The federal govement should do something about that...
It's not fair...
Labuan ms waktu mlm, sunyi sepi, gelap...
Not to say that Labuan tak best, but.......
Well anyway, I was enjoying myself. Actually I and my sister, adik were enjoying the view...

Yep.. It is what u think it is...It's Schumbleger.. It

Rupe2nye Labuan nih tempat minyak ek...
Aku baru tau lah..
Bkn Schumbleger jek...
Byk lagi company2 minyak lain...
Tapi yang nih jek aku berminat...
Hari ke2 kitorg sewa teksi untuk pusing2 Labuan...
The driver manage to finish the tour of Labuan in less than 1.5 hours (itu pun driver tuh bwk slow2)...
Nothing much to see...
The sea?!
Clean, beautifull but didnt get the chance to touch it and feel it with my bare hands...
The taxi driver told us that the beach ade org jage and bersih kan...
No wonder lah bersih...
For those who intersted to see how Labuan is, I would strongly suggest a maximum 3D2N stay and the place to stay would be Dorsett Hotel.
The rooms are very comfortable and the food is nice also....

Place that we stayed. Dorsett Hotel...
Food nice...yummy...

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